Thursday, 15 July 2010


This morning it snowed for the first time this year in Cordoba. I woke up to tiny flakes falling outside the window, and then they turned into fat flakes. Unfortunately, the snow didn't cover much of the ground, I guess its still not cold enough for it to stay... it feels extremely cold however, so I actually don't mind if it doesn't drop very much lower than what the temp is right now.

In other news, my mom fainted a few days ago, and landed pretty hard on her face. She broke her two front teeth, and has a slight fracture on her upper cheek bone. Although it sounds really bad, it could have been much worse. She's actually doing really well, and we've had to beg her to stay put and rest a little bit. It's now a matter of fixing her teeth to get her back into tip top shape. We're not sure why she fainted, but I think it may have been a result of dehydration, since the night she fell she wasn't feeling so well to begin with and had already thrown up a bunch. She is currently in the process of getting two root canals and they'll be placing caps over the broken teeth so she'll look good as new.

In happier news, despite Argentina being a mess politically, they have made a step in the right direction. Yesterday the senate here passed a bill, making Argentina the first Latin American country to legalize gay marriage. :) Adoption will also be legal for same sex couples. Pretty sweet eh? Hard to believe it passed, since generally I find that people are very opposed to that idea. But there is a large population of gay people in Buenos Aires, and since it's the capital, it proably swayed the senate in their decision. Thumbs up to the Argies :)


  1. hey perty face. snow makes people die :(

    pero todo bien si tu vives. yo pienso que mi espanol mejora. que bueno!

  2. Seriously, I was so excited about the same-sex marriage bit.
    I know how bad dehydration in the mountains gets, it comes on suddenly. I'm glad your mama doesn't need a new metal cheek, glad you have a good dentist there!
